【調査データ】日本のサウナ実態調査2024 日本サウナ・温冷浴総合研究所調べ


Revised to attach the English version of the report on May 21st, 2024English follows Japanese



(調査方法・インターネット調査 対象18~69歳の男性5015人 女性4985人、また推計人口に関しては各年の総務省統計局人口推計を用いたウエイトバックを行っている)







































Japan Sauna Survey 2024

Where have all the heavy and medium sauna enthusiasts gone?

The population of sauna enthusiasts is still on an upward trend, showing a recovery from Covid. But the downward trend of heavy and medium sauna enthusiasts is worrying

Executive Summary

•The number of sauna enthusiasts (saunners) in Japan increased to 17.8 million from 16.8 million the previous year.

•We saw a strong recovery of Covid in the light segment, while the medium and heavy segments declined.

•The willingness of non-saunners to pay is low. 60% of respondents said they would not pay more than 500 yen (≒$3.2).

•The main reason for not visiting a sauna is “I’m not interested in sauna” (53%), followed by “I don’t think sauna is a pleasant experience” (19%).



Categorization of Saunners in this survey

•Heavy Saunners : People who use a sauna at least four times a month

•Medium Saunners: People who use a sauna at least once a month

•Light Saunners : People who use a sauna at least once a year


Upward trend continues, driven by “light” sauna fans

In 2023, the sauna population continued to grow, adding about one million people compared to 2022. However, when we look at the segment-level trend, the number of Heavy Saunners and Medium Saunners both decreased by around 20%. This divergence in the trend of different segments is observed in different regions of Japan.






How much would you pay for sauna?

In the Japan Sauna Survey 2024, we asked a million-dollar question: how much would you pay for a sauna (sauna itself. This doesn’t include other services such as food and massage). 60% of respondents who don’t go to sauna said they wouldn’t pay more than 500 yen (≒ $3.2), while 47% of sauna enthusiasts said they would pay 500-999 yen (≒ $3.2 to $6.4). This may make non-Japanese audiences wonder why Japanese people seem to have a tight budget for sauna despite the popularity and tradition of the bathhouse, but one explanation is that public bathhouses in Japan are regulated and their prices are typically less than 500 yen.




Why don’t you sauna? Sorry, we’re not interested

After seeing a sluggish recovery of the sauna population in the last survey, we wanted to get to the bottom of the cause. However, the results don’t look good. The reasons given by non-saunners as to why they don’t go to the sauna don’t seem to be easy problems to solve. By far the most common answer was “I’m not interested in sauna” (53%), followed by “I don’t think sauna is a pleasant experience” (19%) and “I have a more important hobby than sauna” (12%).  This result indicates that there is no single solution to increase the sauna population and that a grassroots effort to raise public awareness is needed.



Here are some things saunas can do

We also asked these non-saunners what changes would be necessary for them to go to a sauna. Unsurprisingly, a large proportion of people (25%) replied that they would not go to the sauna no matter what, but the responses of a not insignificant number of people show some possibilities. The second most common answer was “I would go to the sauna if I had more time” (14%), followed by “I would go to the sauna if I had more money” (13%) and “I would go to the sauna if it was conveniently located” (12%).



Recognition of hot and cold bathing

Recognition of hot and cold bathing (a sequence of “sauna→cold plunge→open air”) has slightly decreased this year, with “I know hot and cold bathing and I practice” decreasing from 40.8% in 2022 to 35.8% in 2023. The percentage of people who answered “I don’t know hot and cold bathing” increased for the first time since we started this survey.




Methodology of survey

•When: March 2024 •Sample: 5,015 males and 4,985 females aged 18-69 in Japan •Method:  Internet survey (the estimated population was calculated using estimates from the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications).




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